As a dog behaviour consultant, it’s something I hear every day… “My dog is stubborn on walks, he stops to sniff everything”, “My dog is so stubborn, he won’t eat that expensive fancy food I bought for him”, “My dog is so stubborn, he…
What is trigger stacking? Trigger stacking refers to an accumulation of stress that can push the dog to react « suddenly and without warning ». Basically, It’s the snowball effect: when a lot of little things add up to become a big thing, just like for…
This list will be updated regularly but here are the « must have » for your dog(s). ENRICHMENT Kong : Lots of very useful tools created by KONG and elaborated with international dog trainers. Interactive toys that would keep your dog busy and happy. Puzzles: Nina Ottosson…
Today I went with a friend to a dog park, where she brings her dog from time to time, to let him play with his best friend. It was supposed to be a quiet hour there, after lunch time. But we ended up with…
You decided to adopt a rescue dog, congratulations! For this beautiful gesture to be followed by a great arrival at home, here are some tips and information to consider. What to do before bringing Doggo to his new forever home : It always is…
Thanking my dog for growling? What a weird idea! Often misinterpreted, growling is seen as a behavior that needs to be reprimanded, that we can’t tolerate. For a lot of people, a dog shouldn’t growl whatever the situation is. How many times have you…
That’s a question most Pawrents ask themselves: how old is my dog in Human years? A dog year equals X Human years: Most people think that a dog year equals 7 Human years. But it’s not as simple as that! You have to consider…
Why do we feed our pets in a bowl? It is something we do mechanically, without thinking about it. But why do we do it? Because we eat from a plate and then transpose this way of eating to our pet? Because it’s cleaner?…
You love dogs and would like to pet them all? Me too! But have you ever asked yourself if they want you to pet them? Approaching a dog, even one you know, needs some assessment and to respect the dogs limits. In short, be…
Like us, Doggo needs many things for his day to be good and complete. Do you think you know your dog’s needs? Do you know how to meet your dog’s needs? If his activities’ ratio isn’t reached, the day might seem veeeeery long to…