Unlocking the power of the nose to bond with your anxious dog.
Meeting your dog’s needs can be complicated but using their amazing natural sniffing abilities, can make a huge difference in their quality of enrichment and decompression.
Force and fear free guardians who appreciate a sustainable, steady learning piece for dogs AND humans.
Training teams that best learn new skills in the comfort and safety of their own home before taking complex skills on the road.
WHEN: The next class will start on Monday the 12th of February.
WHERE? Online! The live sessions will be held on Mondays at 6pm, on zoom. You’ll also be part of a Facebook group, to share your homework, questions and success with your classmates and me.
HOW MUCH? This 6 weeks program costs $225 (5%GST applicable)
The fun stuff doesn’t need to be reserved for folks with happy-go-lucky pups. Learning new skills from the safety of your own living room means that you aren’t trying to learn something new while juggling triggers and distractions.
Practicing new low pressure, skills with huge overlap in concepts that can be applied to fear and reactivity
Specifically designed to walk the human end of the leash step-by-step without overwhelm. Anxious dogs already have a ton on their plate, we want this class to be a fun outlet not an additional stressor on your to do list.
The skills in this course will give you options for enriching and exercising your dog without needing to brave the outside world, on those days it’s just a little too much.
Plus, online classes tend to attract anxious, dog guardians, which means an online community of folks who get the struggle.
I’m Hélène, a French dog behaviour consultant based in Vancouver. I’m specialized in rescue dogs and reactive/anxious dogs. I use force free and fear free methods, based on science and mutual understanding between Humans and dogs.
My goal is to help you create a strong and respectful bond with your dog. Behind the French accent and the jokes, I’m here to give you all the keys you need to have a wonderful relationship with your dog.
Learn more about me HERE.
There are three weekly elements to this class designed to let the course material really sink in and provide multiple opportunities to practice each sub skill.
First, you have your online video lesson. A short, less than 15 minutes per week, lesson that covers the next set of skills in our training plan. | Then a group class, from the coziness of your own home, where we practice applying the knowledge to your individual dogs. | An online community space where you can ask questions, post videos for feedback and celebrate the wins. |
Do you have a question? Send me a message!
Email: onlypawsitivesolutions@gmail.com